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Human Crisis Trend: Re Education Camp

Human Crisis Trend: Re Education Camp

Veronica Davis 2021- 03-15

Have we always had the Bible?

Have we always had Education?

Have we always had the ability to read?

Although it may look that society has evolved quickly with the help of technology. This is not possible. The transition of the poor becoming rich over the turn of the century is impossible. Education and Technology comes hand in hand.

In the past, they called themselves the Aristocrats. The paupers were, 'the not land owners' and the wealthy were the Land owner. Land Owners were the ones granted the rights to own Land. This was called Feudalism. Now today, They call themselves the Technocracy. So who are they? Technocracy raising their children to believe they were Star Children. Or that they came from another planet. This is all part of an imaginary trick of the Technocracy. Today this surreal movement in control of censorship  techno-fascists  challenging the Great Reset.

You will here today people say that  they are hybrids from Mars. Or so called Children of God being raised in South America. River Phoenix, Winona Ryder, and Jonny Depp had strange up bringing's. These are all part of the Deception era Jesus Christ was talking about.

But when it comes to Euthanasia and Modern Science. Or Advanced Science and New Technology these  are all related. You should know about the Deception Era we are living. 

I should know coming from Winnipeg. There are articles written to prove that the Elon Musk came from the same Prairies I happen to live . But you will not hear of where the birth of Technocracy came from . This is Because you would have to do your research. But because of Censoring it gets erased.

Learning about history, the Canadian Prairies was I would say probably the toughest place to live in. Even though it was a dreamers Paradise  for the Wealthy. But a place where a white woman could not become part of politics just because they were forbidding toilets in public places. Or that toilets barely existed in the 1960s. Or where  Canada was a place birthed for the British Orphans to be an outcast. and prevented from living in a normal warm place. Orphans had to live in outhouses away from their owners. A place where the Wealthy were the Anti Christians. A lot went on in the Prairies if you owned a farm you were practicing some kind of evil, this can be found by episodes called ' Beyond' hosted by Rock and Roll Singer Television Host Alanis Miles.

Related Megatrndz Article, 'Help the Children' November 2017  A 1954 born Canadian named Dave Staffen , Satanic Ritual Abuse Victim from Canada

Look up the February issue dated on the  17 th day of the year 1933, p. 11 - Winnipeg Free Press Newspaper Archives

How about an article called , 'The Last Utopians'. This article was written ia couple of years ago, it stated, ' Technocracy promised Depression-weary Canadians an end to their hardship. But the offer came with a catch. '

The technocrats 1919-1967 : a case study of conflict and › system › files › iritems1

PDF by D Adair · ‎1970 · 

It is argued that Technocracy can only be considered a social movement for ... Winnipeg each got out a printed edition of the official Study Course", and ...

The birth of the Prairies was all about the Egyptian Paganism roots. Believing not in Jesus Christ but on the occult Paganism. The reason you may have never heard of the Prairies and its odd foundation is because the Prairies had a lot of odd culture out of the roots of Christians. Where there is technology there is Paganism, there is an Anti Christ Culture and there is Dystopian. The Technocracy movement from 1919 -1968 or I would argue well alive today.

A 1990's Canadian Artist, Alannah Myles  a singer from Southern Ontario that sang a song called ' - Black Velvet (Official Video)', Who was the Black Velvet"? She claims a new religion? Was she talking about the Satanic Technocracy. In 2005 she did a television series, that focused on the dark side of  Culture and Farms, Mk Ultra, Mind Control etc. Was she one of those kids growing up in the same Culture Elon Musk grew up. But then again other Southern Ontario celebrities came from the same region of Southern Ontario such as Keanu Reeves, Ryan Reynolds, Alanis Morrissette or even Corey Haim...Today you do not have to be born there just been from there such as Ethiopian Descent Canadian Artist f known as the Weeknd, with its album called Starboy. Best known for its Satanic Fallen Angels Superbown 2021 performance.

It was not too long ago, perhaps a couple of years ago, I met an elder woman going to visit her husband in a Nursing Home. She claimed she only reached up to grade 8 education. Now this is Canada. I came from Central America where my own Mother and Father were both Professors of Science, Philosophy and Spanish. So what happened to Canadian Education several years back. The lady could not have been older than 75 years old. She claimed her husband did not get the appropriate care in the Nursing home. She claimed he spent hours with soiled diapers before they would change his diaper. Now this lady that was perhaps illiterates went every day to the Nursing to see her husband. She spend hours in the same Nursing Facility that my grandmother was living.

 However, let us focus what is happening today and with the Pandemic. With Euthanasia on the talk associated with Covid 19 vaccine it was never surprise to be because I knew what my own Grandmother went through.

But this is not what this article is about. This article is about Re Education Camp. So it brings me to several rabbit holes. With all the talk of the rise of Communism, Re Education what and who? The rich or the Illiterates? The poor or the Rich. The obvious here is inevitable. The Rich never need to be re educated it would be a joke.

Like playing a video game again after you have won the game. It is impossible. Why would you ever play it again? You  have already won the game?

Education used to be something of the Rich. So who do you think will get  Re Educated? With the rise of Communism...With the Rise of With the Rise of Deception.. With the rise of Technocracy.. . With the Rise of Block Chain.. re education will be just for the poor.