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Human Crisis Manitoba Doctor and Canadian Journalism Does Racial Profiling bring race war?

 Human Crisis Manitoba Doctor and Canadian Journalism Does Racial Profiling bring race war?

by Veronica Davis 2021-03-02

One of the reasons there are racial wars come from racial profiling.  Kelly Geraldine Malone has recently written probably one of the worst articles entitled, 'Indigenous, Black, Filipino people disproportionately affected by COVID-19: report' . The article was written for The Canadian Press . Quickly the article was picked up by many other major article.: Global News, The Star and Microsoft  news platform. Labeling people for skin color is racist in itself. 

Labels and categorizing people by race is racism. Labeling the latinos as brown and natives or chinese as yellow. That was not on the article but what was part of the article was the Manitoba report and opinion of  Manitoba studies Covid-19. Racial profiling is generational. Today  people are now more of all races so labeling people by their color is racism because it is an oxymoron.

When you call people by race is racial profiling and it is racism. People do it all the time but this has to stop. 

The article backs up comments of the Racial profiling Dr. Brent Roussin.:

  “We know people in (Black, Indigenous and people of colour) communities are more likely to live in lower income neighbourhoods, live in overcrowded and multi-generational households,” Roussin said.

“They are also more likely to have low-wage occupations.”

The report compiled Manitoba infections data from May 1 to Dec. 31, 2020.

Fifty-one per cent of people who tested positive for COVID-19 self-identified as Black, Indigenous or of colour, but 35 per cent of people in Manitoba belong to that group.

'Self-Identified', is a political legally correct word for who? 

It is a horrible Manitoba report. Because it was written by a person who is not Indigenous, black, or filipino. So what does Covid have to do with income classes???

I read this article and it does not surprise me how this happened.

For Nation will rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom
Mark 13:8