Election Fraud Trend Store Closing Trend Store Closing Trend Election Fraud Trend: "MY GOD MY GOD WHY HAVE YOU FOR SAKEN ME" by Veronica Davis 20221-01-08 10:40 AM There are stories that Trump currently is quietly in Texas. Since, January 6, 2020 the media has been non-stop picking at the 'Trump supporters' as the culprit of what happened. If you have been keeping up with this trend then you are being just brainwashed. This is all part of a propaganda a hate speech media created phrase trend. It is simply a targeting trend as well. The hatred the media has birthed towards Christians is just one more thing on their agenda. People are being led to believe that hating a group of Christian believers is what they must start. This is an evil agenda. I am not American but I am a Christian. It is unfortunate what happened on January 6 th but the truth is that it was a rally taken over by sabotages, p...