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Showing posts from May 15, 2021

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Human Crisis: Spiritual Battle a Prayer for Israel

Human Crisis: More Rockets Fall into Israel as Escalating into Emergency Status Veronica Davis Wednesday 2021-05-19 9:30 am Israel being attacked threefold from locations of Gaza, Lebanon and West Bank Escalation into Gaza War, Israel is Planning how to respond to this rocket attack from Lebanon today. 90 percent of Rockets fired from Gaza into Israel have been intercepted by the Iron Dome Missile defense system 2021-05-9 Sunday 11:35 eastern  U.S time in Western World Ashkelon city hit by 100s of rockets, 7 rockets target Jerusalem, Israel, Hamas claims hits 130 rockets in  5 min watch video 2021-05-10 Monday  video 7 rockets target Jerusalem, Israel 2021-05-11 Tuesday Over  650 rockets  fired Full-Scale War Imminent for Israel and Hamas? watch           2021-05-12  Wednesday 2021-05-13 Thursday Hamas and Pal...