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Showing posts from January, 2022

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Convoy of Truck Keep Passing the Prairies

  Human Crisis Trend Convoy of Truck Keep Passing the Prairies Veronica Davis 2022-01-26 The Vaccine Mandate continues to be a Human Crisis worldwide. People do not want the temple of your body to be ran by Governments. Remember Jesus Christ mentioned the body being the Real Temple. A convoy of trucks is passing by the central part of Canada. The Truck convoy will be passing by in the next few days as it is said they will meet in Ottawa, Canada to question the current Justin Trudeau Government. It has been said that 150,000 trucks will be heading there from now to January 29, 2022. People are asking why the Government of Canada is enforcing the vaccine. In General, the Vaccine is being challenged by most people in Canada who refuse the vaccine. The vaccine is said to be a dna game changer to society. The cutdown to society by the elite. Restaurants in Canada are empty. Line ups in Canadian testing vaccine sites are also empty during the December and January 2022 media fed Omnicron....

Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Submerince Volcano Erupts January 14 2022

Climate Chaos Trends      State of Emergency Trend Volcano Eruption Trend   Tsunami Trend Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai  Submarine Volcano Erupts January 14 2022 Sat, 2022-01-15 Entire West Coast on Alert of Tsunami after the violent eruption of Submarine Volcano. Volcanoes currently active: erupting: 28 warning: 13 unrest: 37 normal / dormant: 1368 Can Hypersonic Missiles cause volcanic eruption? Just 3 days ago, NK sent out two hypersonic missiles causing the American Airlines to hault for 7 minutes.  The one strange thing about this is why are there no earthquakes around the volcano which is concidered normal? screenshot In the past 24 hours there has been no major earthquakes around Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'Apai region. Submarine volcano located 149 m / 489 ft in Tonga, Tonga Islands, -20.57°S / -175.38°W Similar Reads: Hypersonic Missile Lauched by NK January 12, 2022 Evacuation Order Issued for #LordHoweIslan...

Healthy Trend: Medieval Town of Rothenburg ob de Tauber Jog and Run

 Healthy Trend Medieval Town of Rothenburg ob de Tauber Jog and Run Veronica Davis 2022-01-13 Beginning the New Year with a healthier lifestyle is important not just for our health but for our mind and Spirit. It is not just about what we read but what we do with our bodies. This year I will be posting more of my experiences of keeping fit and yet being educated by famous trainers around the World.  I have been exploring new areas and loving it.  In the year of  October 2021, I was able to visit Dubai and be part of the World Blockchain Summit in the United Arab of Emirates. Heading there from Canada was a long and exhausting trip. Getting there meant visiting new countries that I have never visited before.  The Covid-10 pandemic meant I was not able to get out of the Airport. But what I was able to do was  experience the touch down of culture for the first time in France and Germany. While in Frankfurt, Germany, my experience was not pleasing. The police p...

Hypersonic Missile Lauched by NK

NK has been delivering weak messages to the West. Weak because it has not met its target. However, a game that is very dangerous to Nature and Humanity.  Over the past 10 years the missile test aiming all off the West Coast of Canada and United States has long been in the making. Breaking News January 10-12 2022 Well Known host of behold Israel has announced breaking news of yesterday lauch of North Korea 700 kilometer Hypersonic Missile. Air Traffic was halted for 7 minutes. This has not happened since 9/11. Behold Israel. Video Nbc news reported it 10 hours ago. It is 6 am winnipeg central time. See  North Korea launches 2nd missile after hypersonic missile. This was posted 20 hours ago. See #NorthKorea #News #NightlyNews North Korea Tests New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile posted on Jan 11, 2022 Panetta: North Korea Developing Capabilities That Are "challenging" Missile Def...

Celestial Trends: Luz de Maria Prophecy

  Celestial Event Trend Prophecy Trend Coming Illumination Trend Black Out Trend Planet X Trend Blood Moon Trend The Great Warning: llumination of Consciousness by Veronica Davis 2022-01-11 In many prophecies of Luz de Maria, Our Lady Mary has been telling her what has been occurring and what is to come. We are living in those End times. Because we are already here in those times. Today many of those prophecies have been  trending online years. Some of the most famous of Luz de Maria Prophecies are similar to the Garabandal Prophecy and can be found in various places online. The trends mentioned on this website has been convering most topics in her Prophecies. I too have seen these visions in a dream that I described about in my book, "Triumphants, "What would Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Jesus Christ say?'. Luz de Maria talks about a coming Comet in 2023 to 2021 that will make Earth Impact. The comet that will be 7 kilometers in diamete...

Start off the New Year with a Healthier Lifestyle

  Start off the New Year with a Healthier Lifestyle 2022-01-06 For the first week of the year 2022, it is important to start it off on the right foot. Doing exercise everyday is just as important as the fuel that our bodies need. If you have not done exercise in a while begin with what you can manage at the moment.  You can begin with a slow walk, then begin speeding your walk everyday. Getting an etiquette exercise will leave you feeling happier for the rest of the day. Once you have accomplished walking continue your to reach higher levels of exercise by adding a 30 second jog in between your walking period. Progress throughout the weeks with longer periods of jogging periods in between. Next thing you know you will begin to increase your jogging periods and walking will become a thing of the past. Reward yourself each time you reach the higher levels of exercise by gifting yourself with comfortable exercise attire. Find warm exercising material such as cotton and polyester....