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Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Submerince Volcano Erupts January 14 2022

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Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai  Submarine Volcano Erupts January 14 2022

Sat, 2022-01-15

Entire West Coast on Alert of Tsunami after the violent eruption of Submarine Volcano.

Volcanoes currently active: erupting: 28 warning: 13 unrest: 37 normal / dormant: 1368

Can Hypersonic Missiles cause volcanic eruption? Just 3 days ago, NK sent out two hypersonic missiles causing the American Airlines to hault for 7 minutes. 

The one strange thing about this is why are there no earthquakes around the volcano which is concidered normal?


In the past 24 hours there has been no major earthquakes around Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'Apai region. Submarine volcano located 149 m / 489 ft in Tonga, Tonga Islands, -20.57°S / -175.38°W

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Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano (Tonga) is a submarine volcano. The two linear andesitic islands are about 2 km long and represent the western and northern remnants of the rim of a largely submarine caldera lying east and south of the islands. Hunga Tonga and Hunga Ha'apai reach an elevation of only 149 m and 128 m above sea level, respectively, and display inward-facing sea cliffs with lava and tephra layers dipping gently away from the submarine caldera. A rocky shoal 3.2 km SE of Hunga Ha'apai and 3 km south of Hunga Tonga marks the most prominent historically active vent. Since its first eruption in 1912, there has been many submarine eruptions at Hunga Tonga-Hunga .

The small islands of Hunga Tonga and Hunga Ha'apai cap a large seamount located about 30 km SSE of Falcon Island, approximately 65 km NW of Vuna Wharf, Nuku'alofa, and 70 km SW of Nomuka Island.

Yesterday there was Major Eruption sent ash up to 17 km, 86 000 lightnings in plume. The explosion occurred at 15:14 UTC yesterday Friday January 15, 2022. The blast ejected rocket-like fragments arcing upwards along parabolic paths known as cypressoid or cock's tail effect.

Tonga region evacuation orders were placed due to tsunami hit the coastline.  The People in land were warned to move 1 kilometre inland or go to high ground at least 10 metres above sea level.

After the Tonga Meteorological Service issued a warning for all of Tonga on Saturday afternoon after a violent eruption of the volcanic island Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai there was an 1.2 metre tsunami observed at the capital Nuku’alofa about 20 minutes later.

Radio New Zealand earlier reported that Tonga Geological Services head Taaniela Kula said the eruption had a radius of 260km.

It was about seven times more powerful than the last eruption on December 20 last year and continuing to grow, Kula earlier told RNZ.

The Volcano eruption created the National Tsunami Warning Center to issue advisories for several parts of coastal British Columbia after a volcanic eruption in the Pacific Basin near the Tonga Islands.  Marinas are to be evacuated.

Zone A covers the North Coast including Haida Gwaii 

Zone B covers the Central and Northeast Vancouver Island Coasts, which include Kitimat, Bella Coola and Port Hardy.

Zone C The outer West Coast of Vancouver Island from Cape Scott to Port Renfrew

Zone D which spans the Juan de Fuca Strait from Jordan River to Greater Victoria, including the Saanich Peninsula

Source: The Canadian Press ; Jan. 15, 2022