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Hypersonic Missile Lauched by NK

NK has been delivering weak messages to the West. Weak because it has not met its target. However, a game that is very dangerous to Nature and Humanity.  Over the past 10 years the missile test aiming all off the West Coast of Canada and United States has long been in the making.

Breaking News January 10-12 2022

Well Known host of behold Israel has announced breaking news of yesterday lauch of North Korea 700 kilometer Hypersonic Missile. Air Traffic was halted for 7 minutes. This has not happened since 9/11.

Behold Israel. Video

Nbc news reported it 10 hours ago. It is 6 am winnipeg central time. See
 North Korea launches 2nd missile after hypersonic missile. This was posted 20 hours ago. See

#NorthKorea #News #NightlyNews North Korea Tests New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile posted on Jan 11, 2022

Panetta: North Korea Developing Capabilities That Are "challenging" Missile Defenses posted on  Jan 11, 2022 by MSNBC

On January 10 2022, DW News claims that SK could test its out hypersonic missile as well better than NK. According to DW:

The Korean peninsula has plunged into a hypersonic missile race between North and South Korea. North Korea has claimed that a missile it fired into the sea last week was "hypersonic." These ultra-fast weapons systems pose a higher threat level, as they are harder to defend against. 
#NorthKorea #hypersonic #SouthKorea North Korea claims launch of hypersonic missile | DW News

Breaking News January 12,2022

Thousands Russians troops on border Ukraine.

Remember yesterdays post about Luz de Maria prophecy of World War 3 starts with Russia, China and Ukraine.

Now this NK Missile launched to the United States. 

We must prepare for 6 months food. Nuclear contamination in water could mean poison to humanity. Decrease in food supply chain and worst martial law. Read other common topics in past megatrndz post.