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Transhumanist Agenda


Where are we today with the Transhumanist Agenda

Monday 6/20/22

Trends: extinction event  transhumanism   GMO  Bioweapons 

What is a trans-humanist agenda? If you thought those words sound like a human transferring themselves into something other than human; you may be on the right track. Why does it sound so important to understand now is only because the agenda has existed for a long time but humanity is entering into that phase.

One doctor that is openly speaking about the transhumanist agenda and Dr. Judy Makovits.

Dr. Judy Makovits explains  bioweapons, gmo, and how we are living in an extermination event. Every polio vaccines is grown in viro monkey kidney cells for 40 years the virus sequence the blue print has been there our who life of course they know when they are going to scare you with plandemic 2 in your event 202 instead of event 202, she says. (7:30 min)

In an interview Dr. Judy Makovits responds to the June 1 2022 conference of WHO. When the WHO organisation Dr. Michael  Ryan  is asked about the monkeypox, he says, :

This is not about stealing sovereignty from others. This is about countries coming together to solve problems together and respond effectively in the next pandemic. It requires a degree of international agreement of how we will  behave for a during the next pandemic. And there is no question of loss of sovereignty or play by global powers to take over the world. This is not what this is about.

I say take way our sovereignty of being one nation under GOD indivisible with liberty justice for all so the god they want you to obey without question is the god of transhumanists scientism. Its a cult and we in america  are free to choose any god we want we will not obey your god. We will not bow down pharmagopia tony fauci the high priest. We know can not hack our genome and we are done with you. Bye Bye see you . You inject everybody with every poison and every bioweapon you want; but our message is out there everybody now knows ... This is premeditated murder, destroy all the evidence. ..All we need is clean food. We will not buy your poison...We will not  play in your economy. We are done with that. What is what we say to that.

Yuval Noah Harari | Human / Animal Hybrids Are Here!? "Earth Will Be Dominated by Non-Humans."


 Dr. Judy Mikovits | Monkeypox, the Transhumanism Agenda, & WHO-Based One World Government?
 Jun 20, 2022