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Showing posts from January 15, 2022

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Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Submerince Volcano Erupts January 14 2022

Climate Chaos Trends      State of Emergency Trend Volcano Eruption Trend   Tsunami Trend Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai  Submarine Volcano Erupts January 14 2022 Sat, 2022-01-15 Entire West Coast on Alert of Tsunami after the violent eruption of Submarine Volcano. Volcanoes currently active: erupting: 28 warning: 13 unrest: 37 normal / dormant: 1368 Can Hypersonic Missiles cause volcanic eruption? Just 3 days ago, NK sent out two hypersonic missiles causing the American Airlines to hault for 7 minutes.  The one strange thing about this is why are there no earthquakes around the volcano which is concidered normal? screenshot In the past 24 hours there has been no major earthquakes around Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'Apai region. Submarine volcano located 149 m / 489 ft in Tonga, Tonga Islands, -20.57°S / -175.38°W Similar Reads: Hypersonic Missile Lauched by NK January 12, 2022 Evacuation Order Issued for #LordHoweIslan...