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Showing posts from September, 2024

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Unusual Earthquake Trend Strike off the coast of British Columbia

Unusual Earthquake Trend Strike off the coast of British Columbia September 16, 2024  Climate Chaos Trend   Human Crisis Trend   Bioweapon Trend   Chemtrail Trend Biological warfare Trend   Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend  0 km depth Trends   Zero depth Quake     10 km Earthquake Trend Rare Earthquake Trends    Unusual Deep Earthquake Trend      VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — According to AP: Two earthquakes have struck off the northern coast of the Canadian province of British Columbia Sunday but there were no immediate reports of damage. The United States Geological Survey said the first earthquake, measuring magnitude 6.5, happened around 3:20 p.m. local time.  It was located off the tip of Haida Gwaii, an archipelago located about 1,720 kilometers (1,069 miles) north of Vancouver. It was 176 km west off  of Bella Bella. A second earthquake, measuring magnitude 4.5, occurred about an hour later in the same area. The U.S. Tsunami Warning Center reported that there was no t

Two Women Waiting at the Bus Stop to Go to Work

Two Women Waiting at the Bus Stop to Go to Work one for the last time 9/13/2024 The day woke up with gloom an uncontrolled windy atmosphere of almost what started of as sadness and it was for a good reason. Do we know where our last breath will take place?  Imagine waiting for the bus at a bus stop while going to to work on a friday the 13 th. Only to find out it may be your last breath. Two woman waiting at at a bus stop infront of the ymca in winnipeg were about to live a crazy time of their lives. One survives and the other does not. That is what happened this morning while two friends waited to go to work shortly befor 7:30 am not knowing it will be one of their last breath.  A truck that did not seem to stop hit one while the other moved back in horror. Hours later, one neighbour who was still consoling her spoke to me about the incident that happened on friday the 13, 2024. How much can we keep vigilant? Another person living across the street heard the screams from the

Jelly Fish Medusa invasion is it Biblical?

  Jelly Fish Medusa invasion is it Biblical? #JellyfishInvasion  What is happening on the Coastline of Spain? Super heated ocean's has created a zone for jellyfish.  "The fact that they are expanding is a very bad harbinger" says Dane Wigington (17:00). If the ocean waters continue to rise one day it will be a lifeless dead zone. At the end of August a time that should be high tourism in Spain is quieting down due to the Jellyfish. The mauve stinger jelly fish have been appearing off the Catalan coast in the Costa Brava resort. This has affected the tourism making the coastline waters dangerous. In the month of July the Tarragona Beaches were closed after  venomous Portuguese man o’ war were seen. It was reported that from the months of May to August seven thousand five hundred people got stung by jellyfishes. Further down south, six years ago, around eight tonnes of jellyfish were collected from the shore between the eastern resort of Nerja and Velez-Malaga just east

Weather manipulation Chemtrails

  Weather Manipulation Chemtrails I always wondered how do Meteorologists or atmospheric scientists know what is going to happen in 15 days from now. They call it forecasting but is it really a cast or a manipulation?  Strategic Aerosol Injections or cloud seeding?  Solar Geoengineering ?  Lead dioxide, silver iodide, diotomite and sulphur dioxide ? Who does the Cloud Seeding? The meteorologist is the director of operations mission and through its decision making process several factors come into play  such as local atmospheric conditions, weather forecasts, seeding suspension criteria, and aircraft safety concerns. Ever look up at the sky and see odd shapes of white trails from different airplanes. Those are not just fumes left behind from airplanes after all airplanes do not drive criss cross from one another. Those are chemtrails. For years weather manipulation has been a topic people do not want to discuss. The people of  New Hampshire did not allow their skies to be dark and gl