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Asteroid Trends 2016

Continued from  Asteroid Trend 2016 Present Time 6:00pm September 23, 2016 CST Billion of Asteroids fragments heading towards our Planet Earth September 23- 25, 2016 Asteroid named 2009ES, watch for #asteroid 2009ES  #meteor  About 39 minutes ago Just shortly before midnight London Time on September 24, 2016 there were twitter reports #meteor of meteor in London and Surrey,  England at the same time Netherlands was also viewing the meteor. But  First the meteor was reported by a viewer East of London, then Quinton, Birmingham minutes later tweeted  in Holland. Wowzer. Just saw what looked like a meteor in the sky south of London, really bright! #comet #meteor #shootingstar — Matt Loader (@iammrloader) September 23, 2016 On September 22, 2016 the  AMS already 125 reports of fireballs streaking the sky in New Hampshire and Montreal . Huge #meteor lightning up the night sky in #London direction SW #impressed

Asteroid Trend

Asteroid  Trend ASTEROID 2013 TX 68 MARCH 5, 2016 18:15 Since January 4, 2016, there has been a total of  17 Asteroids traveling around the Earth. On February 6, 2016 a 7 meter space rock, seen as a fireball pounded onto the Atlantic Ocean with a 13, 000 TNT. What does that mean? It released energy equivalent to 13,000 tons of TNT, which is the same as the energy used in the first atomic weapon that leveled Hiroshima in 1945.The most hardest part to believe that it was not reported until two weeks later. It is reported to be the largest to hit since February 2013 asteroid hit in Russia. read more..  The most concerned of all asteroids is the  17 th Asteroid . Why? The 17th asteroid coming close to the Earth, is called the Asteroid 2013 TX 68 .  The 2013 TX 68 Asteroid gets its name from the year it was first discovered. Each Asteroid is heavily monitored  and will come at some point close to the EARTH.   Asteroid 2013 TX 68 is said to c...