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Asteroid Trends 2016

Continued from  Asteroid Trend 2016 Present Time 6:00pm September 23, 2016 CST Billion of Asteroids fragments heading towards our Planet Earth September 23- 25, 2016 Asteroid named 2009ES, watch for #asteroid 2009ES  #meteor  About 39 minutes ago Just shortly before midnight London Time on September 24, 2016 there were twitter reports #meteor of meteor in London and Surrey,  England at the same time Netherlands was also viewing the meteor. But  First the meteor was reported by a viewer East of London, then Quinton, Birmingham minutes later tweeted  in Holland. Wowzer. Just saw what looked like a meteor in the sky south of London, really bright! #comet #meteor #shootingstar — Matt Loader (@iammrloader) September 23, 2016 On September 22, 2016 the  AMS already 125 reports of fireballs streaking the sky in New Hampshire and Montreal . Huge #meteor lightning up the night sky in #London direction SW #impressed

Together 2016 Trend

Taking the Faith of Jesus Christ and Putting it Together to form over one million Christians for  July 16, July 17, July 18, 2016 with a hashtag Jesus changes everything  #jesuschangeseverything   The mission is to celebrate the gospel of  Jesus Christ infront of the Washington Square. Just who was Jesus Christ?  This three day event is non-stop entertainment from 9 am to 9 pm. See live footage     or  see video below. Pope Francis has invited everyone to come join in this event as seen in video below and published on Jun 23, 2016 "Find the One who can give you an answer to your restlessness." Pope Francis adds his voice to people from different backgrounds who invite you to the National Mall, July 16, for Together. To know more go to "Starting a movement of prayer", and  "a grounded in truth " says a speaker at Together 2016 on Saturday at 11:45 am on July 16, 2016. Mission is to create a Seven Day Scrip...

May 21, 2016 March Against Monsanto World Day Trend

Genesis 1:11-12 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. March Against Monsanto Day! Millions are marching around the world today. Each year as human beings become more educated and are not dumb down by advertisement the March Against Monsanto makes history around the World. Here is what the World had to say on May 21, 2016! No To GMOs! Millions speak up in protests and rallies in over 50 countries and over 400 cities across the world on this historical day, May 21st, 2016!  #MarchAgainstMonsanto Here is what Each Country had to say: Chicago, IL " GMO Kills" Las Vegas, Nevada "Monsanto Government Axis of Evil" ...

April 22. 2016 Scorpio Full Moon Trend

Full Moon in Scorpio April 22, 2016 There will be a full moon called the Scorpio Full Moon in April 22, 2016. Watch out for the geometrical patterns of triangles and  t-square being formed in the skies on the date of the Scorpio Full Moon. Tania Gabrielle  gives her astro numerology predicting how five planets are on retrograde motion on April 28, 2016. What is retrograde? According to wikipedia: Retrograde motion, in astronomy, describes the orbit of a celestial body that runs counter to the direction of the spin of that body which it orbits.  However the celestial rare trend will begin in April 22, 2016 with the Moon being full it will lead Retrogrades between various planets. The Scorpion full moon is all about transformation and full of emotions. As the full moon is in scorpio we tune into our heart. As the Sun and Moon are opposite to each other so are our own needs and the needs of  others. Scorpio is a water sign triggers change and transforma...

Blood Moon Prophecy Trend- March 23, 2016

The Blood Moon Prophecy 2016 The Celestial Prophecy of the Blood Moons  Something significant will happen on the next Blood Moon? Their shall be signs in the sky. We are now moving to the 5th blood moon on March 23, 2016. Just what will be the historical significance to this 5th blood moon. Blood Moon Significance When Jesus Christ was crucified there was a blood moon and a great earthquake followed. It is recorded that "The lunar eclipse of 3 April 33 A.D. lasted 333 minutes and 66 degrees on the horizon". The blood moon passages of the Bible also speaks of great earthquakes will occur. In the Revelation book  :  an unveiling of the character and program of God, Penned by John during his exile on the island of Patmos, Revelations centers around the visions and symbol resurrected Christ . The Passage Revelation 6:12 reveals: I looked and he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair...