10 Day Trend Q files Trend Blackout Trend Weather Warfare Trend Biological Weather Warfare Trend Chem trail Trend Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend Weather Manipulation Trend Account Suspension Trend ALL TIME RECORD BREAKING 51 FT WAVES OFF COAST NEW YORK CITY 6 PM TODAY CENTRAL TIME Weather Manipulation Trend: You will not Believe the Waves January 4, 2017 #blizzar2018 #VIIRS #Storm #StormCarmen #StormEleanor #NewYork #NewYorkCity #climatechaos #climate #whirlwinds ALL TIME RECORD BREAKING 51 FT WAVES OFF COAST NEW YORK CITY 6 PM TODAY CENTRAL TIME Warning for those living along the coast lines. The Waves get higher and more dangerous. Worst than ever before as seen on Ventusky. Worst wave height on the Earth since 2017. Watch below video and find out what they are not telling you on the media as Bombogenesis. Gets F...