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Megatrndz Social Trends Week 12 March 12 - 18, 2018

Megatrndz Social Trends Week 12 March 12 - 18, 2018 A million Thanks to the current megatrndz readers make sure you check out megatrndz show on megatrndz youtube channel. If you like these story please make sure to share what friends by clicking share button above. Subscribe today and receive daily  social trends: Enter your email address: Must verify email by  FeedBurner Leave a comment below and share your view on this issue. Email me at Together we can change for the best. God Bless You. Megatrndz Founder Veronica Davis. Related trends Red water trend , Biological Warfare Trend , chemtrails , Weather warfare , sound warfare , climate chaos , genocide trend , silent energy weapons , atmospheric geoengineering , weather manipulation Stop Spraying The Lies.. The Earth No Longer What Use To Be by Veronica Davis 2018-03-19 #lookup #wedonotconsent #WeThePeople #OpRestoreFreedom #WeAreNotWetWare @POTUS #StopGeoengineering #...

Together 2016 Trend

Taking the Faith of Jesus Christ and Putting it Together to form over one million Christians for  July 16, July 17, July 18, 2016 with a hashtag Jesus changes everything  #jesuschangeseverything   The mission is to celebrate the gospel of  Jesus Christ infront of the Washington Square. Just who was Jesus Christ?  This three day event is non-stop entertainment from 9 am to 9 pm. See live footage     or  see video below. Pope Francis has invited everyone to come join in this event as seen in video below and published on Jun 23, 2016 "Find the One who can give you an answer to your restlessness." Pope Francis adds his voice to people from different backgrounds who invite you to the National Mall, July 16, for Together. To know more go to "Starting a movement of prayer", and  "a grounded in truth " says a speaker at Together 2016 on Saturday at 11:45 am on July 16, 2016. Mission is to create a Seven Day Scrip...