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Canadian never-used Emergencies Act ? April 10 2020

Holy Week  Friday Passion of the Lord Readings Is 52:13 Heb 4:14 5:7 Jn 18:1 Fasting Please support this website and purchase recent ebook series, a collection of a series of  scriptures straight from the Sacred Bible.Read along and learn Jewish and Greek. Go Canadian never-used Emergencies Act ? April  10 2020 4/10/2020 While people around the world are praying,  will the PM of Canada  use power instead of prayers. Trudeau lays groundwork on Good Friday? Will it bring long term effect to Canadians? Will it be a smart move for Trudeau to invoke a never used Emergency Act? Canada continues to be on the top 13th list of most cases around the World. Canada continues to rise its cases. Canadian PM Justin Trudeau on Emergencies ACT: 'Not necessary now' America's President Trump Prays Isaiah   4/10/2020 President Trump reads Isaiah 60:2 'For behold darkness will cover the ...

CBC story urging Canada should be on lockdown to stop COVID-19 spread, doctor warns

Global Pandemic Confirmed Covid-19 2020 BC AB SK MB ON QB NB NS P.E.I LB 3/21 349 195 26 18 377 181 17 15 2 4

Global Pandemic, will it spread like an avalanche?

#covid-19   #coronavirusoutbreak    #coronavirus   #COVID   #CDC   Global Pandemic will it spreak like an avalanche? I explain about my dream.

Its Big Brother and AI Trend, New Global Crisis The Awakening

Its Big Brother and AI Trend Not Everyone is with The Pope 11/21/2019 The world is already in a crisis and there may be no world war but the silence of not being one is being paid for by the AI system. So Not everyone is with the Pope of Rome, the Nuns, and Priests around the World are speaking up. Below you will hear videos where the Global Impact and the Pachamama Idols are not Christian. But we do not need that to come from the Church because Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ already told us as it was written in the Sacred Bible centuries before. Pope's Proposal for "new humanism" would wipe out Christianity.N