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Strange Animal Behavior Penguins outside of Ocean into the Streets

nexplained Events          Animal mutilations Trend        Animal Invasion Trend        Animal Deaths Trend       Animal Disappearance Trend           Animal rescue trend           Animal Invasion Trend Strange Animal Behavior Trend: Feral Pigs eating anything Penguins outside of Ocean into the Streets 5/1/2020 In the past decade in North America, and in Europe such as in England wolves, coyotes and foxes have been invading and living among the people. But this March and April animals are getting away from their normal habitat and have been doing strange things such as penguins out in the street of South Africa. Are the animals looking for food? Are the wild animals leaving their natural habitat because something or someone driving them away? Or is it something more?  Are the animals being targeted with weathe...

Human Crisis Trend Food Shortage Crisis Meat Closure Trend Food Dumping Trend Food Line ups State of Emergency Jail Trend

Trends while Global Pandemic 2020 Human Crisis Trend    Food Shortage Crisis    Meat Closure Trend    Food Dumping Trend     Food Line ups     State of Emergency Jail Trend    5/1/2020 Total Confirmed Covid-19 cases  6:32 AM 3,274,747 Not sure this picture is for the ducks to read or for the humans but regardless in Canada pictures mean more than words. Perhaps it has to do with multiculturalism in case you do not speak the word language of Canada. Worldwide Trends El Salvador, Peru, US, Canada, Brazil, Sweden Covid-19 State of Emergency Jail Trend   El Salvador and Peru While some pictures can be humorous others send chills. Yeshua Jesus Christ called his generation perverse. Is society making slaves or are the pagans and the sinners enslaving themselves? Who fathered this people? Who made them that way? Did they make themselves that way? The lost society? The lack of  Jesus Christ....

#STAYHOME worldwide news megatrndz

1 Peter 2:13-    Psalms 91 #stayhome #yomequedoencasa #stayhome covid-19 is a human crisis. Five year old children are getting the covid-19.  Do not disobey parents and authorities . The United States maintains its spot to number one for having most cases worldwide. Canada is not in the top 13. China is now holding the sixth spot for having covid-19 as of April 4, 2020.  Children face uncertainty over when they will be in school. Education worldwide will become at home as countries around the World are stating different returning dates in most place 'indefinitely'. United States and Canada People receiving emergency alerts on their homes to stay at home. Miami, United States Kids will not be going to school until December 2020 ...possibly. RECTA FINAL 1 por el Roeh Dr. Javier Palacios Celorio EN VIVO 7 PM Last Minute Groceries Countries worldwide are still trying to get their gr...

Saturday March 22, 2020 COVID-19 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

click on image to enlarge Global Pande mic Wartime R eadiness!     Selling Masks    Get to Know Jesus Chri st  Matt hew 24   Isaiah 26 :20     Psalms 91 Saturday March 22, 2020 COVID-19 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau   3/22/2020 EERIE CANADA IS 17# COVID-19 Rising Quickly March 22 Worldwide  Pandemic  Covid-19 confirmed  311,988   China 81,394  Italy 53,578  Spain 28,572  US 26,747 Germany 23,129  Iran 20,610 France 14,485 Korea, South 8,897 Switzerland 6,652  United Kingdom  5,067    Netherlands 3,643  Austria 3,021 Belgium 2, 815  Norway 2,216  Sweden 1,770 Denmark 1,420   Canada  1,328   Canada is in the top 17 countries with most covid-19 cases, for full list see below. Canada has not been in a National Emergency, as Trudeau is still in self Isolation with his wife in q...

March 20 2020 COVID-19 Trudeau addressing Canadians | Special coverage

March 20 2020 COVID-19  Trudeau addressing Canadians | Special coverage March 20, 2020  It has been seven days since Trudeau's wife Sophie has tested positive for the Covid-19. It has been six days since the Parliament has been suspended. Trudeau addresses from Ottawa place of  self-isolation: First flight will leave Morocco this weekend to help Canadian come back home March 20 2020 by Midnight Canada-US concludes no essential travel (tourists), Minister Blair will address later Trade and commerce continues between Canada-US Canada- US mutual agreement in progress to send back irregular migrants trying to cross the border Top 20 Countries out of 163 as of  March 20 2020 9:13 AM: 246,444 Covid-19 infected 1067 deaths 81,250 China 41,035 Italy 18,407 Iran 18,077 Spain 16,290 Germany 14,250 US 10,891 France 8,652 Korea, South 4,164 Switzerland 3,297 United Kingdom 2,468 Netherlands 2,203 Austria 1,802 Norway 1,795 Belgium 1,439 Swe...