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#STAYHOME worldwide news megatrndz

1 Peter 2:13-    Psalms 91 #stayhome #yomequedoencasa #stayhome covid-19 is a human crisis. Five year old children are getting the covid-19.  Do not disobey parents and authorities . The United States maintains its spot to number one for having most cases worldwide. Canada is not in the top 13. China is now holding the sixth spot for having covid-19 as of April 4, 2020.  Children face uncertainty over when they will be in school. Education worldwide will become at home as countries around the World are stating different returning dates in most place 'indefinitely'. United States and Canada People receiving emergency alerts on their homes to stay at home. Miami, United States Kids will not be going to school until December 2020 ...possibly. RECTA FINAL 1 por el Roeh Dr. Javier Palacios Celorio EN VIVO 7 PM Last Minute Groceries Countries worldwide are still trying to get their gr...

Extinction Trend: Will the Amazon Rainforest Disappear Soon

Climate Chaos   Fire trend   Climate Change   Chemtrails trend    Extinction Trend   Agenda 21 Deception Trend   Direct Energy Weapon Trend Extinction Trend:  Will the Amazon Rainforest Disappear Soon by Veronica Davis Rio de Janeiro's Day has been turned into Night as  the World's lungs are in critical danger. This sounds like a biblical prophecy. 20 percent of the world's oxygen is being extinct A manmade catastrophe a blame of climate change? (August 27 2019 10:00 central)  Forty thousand species affected and 10 percent of the world biodiversity could soon be part of historical books no longer part of a future exploration. Who is protection the Rainforests and forests around the World home of wildlife ?  Weather warfare Trend Weather Manipulation We all know what Forest fires brings Evacuations and then Emergency Declarations . It is like we are living a world of movement, displacement, homel...

Agenda 21 Order Trend

Agenda 21 Order Trend 2017-11-03 Pastor Paul Begley warns us about “Illuminati Alert” Prince “Too Many People In The World”, but that is nothing new try learning more about California Fires associated to Agenda 21. from 2011! Agenda 21 Plans to Burn Up Northern CA: Debora Tavares' interview with Jeff Rense in 2015 conclusively provides documented proof of premeditation of fire destruction of Sonoma and Mendocino Counties, in Northern California using microwave weaponry. MUST SEE PROOF! UN AGENDA 21 IS IN PROGRESS/CALI FIRES MAPS SAME!! Back in 2013, Alex Details The Draconian Agenda 21 Plan for America