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Great American Eclipse marks a Bad Omen

Its a Shocker! The Great American Solar Eclipse Destination Amazing God's Marking of the  7 Salems, It's a Shocker! So what do different countries, nations, cultures, groups, tribes have to say about eclipses historically and traditionally. Traditionally, there are many points to take notice about eclipses . Ancient cultures have many folklore to say but the one true event that marks the occasion and the bad ambiance is the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. And with that in mind, The Great American Eclipse what "they" are not telling you about how hazardous it is believed to be for your health, and mind, and spirit. In General Eclipses are bad omen sent from God. Looking at history and Elders the warnings are there! And one amazing fact is God's amazing marking of the 7 Salems creating the path of the Great American Eclipse, it's a shocker? Will the people repent or will God set its Judgement! The  Eclipse, & Earthquake of Our K...