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Asteroid 2012 TC4 Approaching Earth October 12, 2017

Top News: On Thursday, October 12, asteroid 2012 TC4 will pass extremely close to Earth at 5:42 UTC or 12:42 am  THIS WEEK NEXT TRENDS Asteroid Trend: Asteroid 2012 TC4 Earthquake Trend: Redoubt Volcano and Ottawa Hurricane  Nate: United States Coastline Impact Ritual Sacrifice Trend:  Las Vegas Shooting Solar Magnetic Storms Trend: Earthquakes Correlation   Solar Magnetic Storms Trend: Health Alert Rivers Drying Up Trend: Madrid Fault Line Asteroid 2012 TC4 Approaching Earth October 12, 2017 2017-10-09 4:16pm Popular Hashtags #asteroid #science #nasa #asteroid2012tc4 More Asteroid Trends Videos of Asteroid 2012 TC4 Tweets of Asteroid 2012 TC4 Books on Asteroids More Asteroid Trends Asteroid Trend September 20, 2016 Asteroid Trend Asteroid 2013 TX 68 MARCH 5, 2016 18:15 Asteroid Trend Breaking News: Saturday's October 10, 2015 Asteroid 86666 (2000 FL10) St...

Asteroid Trends 2016

Continued from  Asteroid Trend 2016 Present Time 6:00pm September 23, 2016 CST Billion of Asteroids fragments heading towards our Planet Earth September 23- 25, 2016 Asteroid named 2009ES, watch for #asteroid 2009ES  #meteor  About 39 minutes ago Just shortly before midnight London Time on September 24, 2016 there were twitter reports #meteor of meteor in London and Surrey,  England at the same time Netherlands was also viewing the meteor. But  First the meteor was reported by a viewer East of London, then Quinton, Birmingham minutes later tweeted  in Holland. Wowzer. Just saw what looked like a meteor in the sky south of London, really bright! #comet #meteor #shootingstar — Matt Loader (@iammrloader) September 23, 2016 On September 22, 2016 the  AMS already 125 reports of fireballs streaking the sky in New Hampshire and Montreal . Huge #meteor lightning up the night sky in #London direction SW #impressed