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Bible Prophecy Trend: Bombing Syria

Bible Prophecy Trend  Mocking Trend #QANON     #Q Files Trend Nation Against Nation Trend Bible Prophecy Trend: Bombing Syria by Veronica Davis 2018-04-16 As in the Days of Lot As Jesus said what the would be the signs of the End Times, as in the days of Lot. During the days of Lot as in the city of Sodom and Gomorah a time of  perversion and homosexuality . What does the Bible say about Damascus turned into a " ruinous heap". As Donald Trump is planning next,  should make us a little worried. According to a few Bombing Syria on Friday April 13, 2018 is a Bible Prophecy .  Those believing in the Bible Prophecy fulfillment  Micah 5.5 in   Revelation unraveled , hosted by William Tapley, this " One " refers to President Donald Trump. The seven shepherds and eight princely men add up to 15 . The number 15 being the Marian Rosary Number and what does Genesis 3:15 say about Our Lady Mary crushing the head of Serpent. As Cat...

Ezekiel 38 Russian-Turkish-Iranian- Alliance

Nation Against Nation trend     Bible Prophecy Trend    The Gog and Magog Trend   Rapture Trend on Youtube on Twitter on facebook on Google Plus Mysterious Booms 2017 Heavenly Fireballs Seen This Weekend Worldwide November 27, 2017    Over 40 Fireballs seen in Past 24 Hours Tuesday 2017-11-21 1:00 am    Heavenly Fireballs Seen This Weekend Worldwide November 27, 2017    Megatrndz Show Celestial Event Trend Tuesday 2017-11-21 Strange Lights over Phoenix Arizona 2017-11-16 Hey Megatrndz subscribers! loves all readers. please make sure to follow us on twitter, facebook and youtube as well. would love to hear your opinion so pop by the website and drop in a word on the topic at hand or insights. God Bless!  Ezekiel 38  Russian-Tu...