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Chemtrail trends and Mystery Booms

John the Baptist Predicting  Chem-trails  and Mystery Boom by Veronica Davis 2019-01-17 #laserweapons #secretspaceprogram #heatwave #Satellites #DEWs #EMR #HAARP #5G #Chemtrails #WeatherWarfare John the Baptist Predicting Chem-trails and Mystery Boom p2 John the Baptist Predicting Chem-trails and Mystery Boom p2 There is a word in the Biblical scripture linking to weather manipulation. The Holy Spirit did it again! Has led me to a path  unraveling the truth. Next time your hear a mystery boom    , sonic boom or  see   fireballs ,  you may be asking yourself  twice if it is a meteor or something more. Ever heard of chemtrails  or project blue beam . Or perhaps  biological weather warfare ,    weather manipulation . Or perhaps the secret space programs is thinking way too far ahead into the atmosphere. Something more closer to the ionesphere is being tested and the reading the sacred scripture word ...