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Everlasting Wealth

"GIVE ME A DRINK"  Just who said, " Give me a drink" and to whom was this personality speaking to. On the third Sunday of Lent, the Bible verse John 4.5-42 was given  for March 19, 2017 from the Sunday Missal, Living with Christ 2016-2017. The verse describes the encounter of the  Samaritan  Woman meeting Jesus Christ at Jacob well where the element water becomes the topic of conversation. Which is why it should be compared to the another essential element to human existence, food. As described in the  Book of Matthew, verse 4:4  It lets us know the essence of the season of Lent. In the 40 days Jesus Christ was in the wilderness he becomes hungry. While Jesus Christ' human flesh must of been thirsty for water and food,  after 40 days he encounters God. Just like in Matthew 4:4 where Jesus Christ encounters God and  in  John 4.5-42 the Samaritan woman encounters Jesus Christ both needing God in their heart and both not ...