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The Depopulation Trend

The Depopulation Trend Join in the conversation join google + follow Megatrndz "The reason for centralization of power may not be 100% clear" journalist and host of Youtube's Dark Journalists Channel introduces his latest August 20, 2015 topic on population control. A hot topic discussed all over the world. The Dark Journalist Channel post: In this special Dark Journalist episode he welcomes back the Best-Selling author of Population Control, Crossfire and Rule By Secrecy Jim Marrs for his third appearance on the show. Jim lays out the case in this deep interview that corporate overlords are employing methods of depopulation to fulfill their plan for dominating the world and creating a permanent slave class out of the citizens! JIM MARRS - DEPOPULATION JADE HELM GMO & GEOENGINEERING - DARK JOURNALIST The depopulation topic has been analyzed, criticized and made into several hot documentaries. The most recent documentaries are found on youtube and net...