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Or A Better Day Strange Trend Revolving around Avicii's Death

Strange Trend Exposing Hollywood   Casting Couch Deception Or A Better Day Strange Trend Revolving around Avicii's Death 2018-05-01 by Veronica Davis It is a strange trend that has taken the internet investigators to exposing the truth about DJ Avicii death also known as Tim Berling. DJ Avicii's suspicious death on April 20, 2018  is not news to the internet enthusiast that are already know too much and have fallen too deep into the rabbit hole. When you know the truth, it follows you everywhere. It is what Avicii exposed is what led him to his death. Celebrities and scientists exposing the truth about the elites that are known as today as criminals for practicing strange rituals like they did in Ancient Babylon and Sodom and Gomorrah times. But although Sodom and Gomorah long may have been destroyed in a fire thousands of years ago and DJ Avicii may have died on in Oman exposing the truth is today as important to God as it was then. Avicii - For A Better Day...