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Hurricane Trend: Hurricane Nate

MEGATRNDZ  > News > Climate News> Hurricane News Hurricane Nate Makes Landfall Biloxi  midnight on October 7, 2017 Top News: On Thursday, October 12, asteroid 2012 TC4 will pass extremely close to Earth as it  THIS WEEK NEXT TRENDS Ritual Sacrifice Trend:  Las Vegas Shooting Solar Magnetic Storms Trend: Earthquakes Correlation   Solar Magnetic Storms Trend: Health Alert Rivers Drying Up Trend: Madrid Fault Line Asteroid Trend: Asteroid 2012 TC4 Earthquake Trend: Redoubt Volcano and Ottawa Hurricane  Trend: United States Coastline Impact Hurricane Nate Makes Landfall Biloxi Missisippi  October 7, 2017 2017-10-8 9:00 am update 12:30 pm Popular Hashtags #hurricanaNate  #stormsurge 14 ft waves Hurricane Nate Gulf Coast Intense Impact Learn past activity of Hurricane Nate: Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras Current Location of Hurricane Nate Videos of  Hurricane Nate activity near Coastlines Tweets...

Tropical Storm Nate Hits Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras

“ Whoever, then, hears these commandments of mine and carries them out, is like a wise man who built his house upon rock; and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall; it was founded upon rock.“ Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24-25) "Ask, and the gift will come; seek, and you shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened to you. Everyone that asks, will receive; that seeks, will find; that knocks, will have the door opened to him."Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:7-8) MEGATRNDZ  > News > Climate News> Storms> Torrential Rains & Floods  >  Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras Historical Floods October 5, 2017 Top News: On Thursday, October 12, asteroid 2012 TC4 will pass extremely close to Earth as it passes in between the moon and our planet just 4,200 miles away.  Nicaragua Historical Floods October 5, 2017 San Juan Del Sur, Rivas, Managua 2017-10-6 6:30 pm Popular Hashtags #nate ...