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Instagram Trends

Kylie Jenner Underboob Crop Top  is it a Trend Can Instagram Create  a Trend? August 31, 2017 9:41 pm Can Instagram Create a Trend. Anyone ask themselves why even instagram was created. It is an interesting thought to ponder on. Instagram is all about photography. So although it may be about photography it may not create a trend. There are several reasons why. Just because we like a photograph does not mean anything. Instagram is all about creating followers and getting and receiving likes. Perhaps building a fan base for whatever cause. So it may be like a moving vehicle to get us to an actual location. But the vehicle is there to get the viewer somewhere. The instagram viewers still have to get out of the car. So the instagram viewer does not make the choice  of what the viewer does afterwards. So what we do once we get out of the car is what matters.  Instagram being viewed as the car is the best example. The trend occurs after the viewer gets out of th...

Taylor Swift Trending

MEGATRNDZ >  entertainment > celebrity follow megatrndz on  twitter ,  facebook  and google plus  Fabulous Wardrobe Taylor Swift August 27. 2017 8:30pm The Wardrobe worn by Taylor Swift newest video was edgy and yet classy. At first, I thought here we go another zombie video. Oh yeah, Halloween is around the corner. But later the image changed to her famous story line video. The making fun of herself was not that necessary, it was cute and comical. The ballroom scene with the background dancers was out of place. Watch the latest of Look What You Made Me Do already premiered video. Taylor Swift Look What You Made Me Do Official Video ... Is Taylor Swift Really Re Inventing Her Image August 25. 2017 4:20 pm  Official #LWYMMDvideo world premiere. Sunday 8/27 at the @vmas So the Drama continues with Taylor Swift new invention.  While Taylor Swift is trying to create a new image for herself others are saying "nu uh" thos...