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Exercising the Authority

-Published on October 29, 2016- The supernatural events in our lives are caused by an unstoppable force outside of us. Is the unstoppable force stoppable? Do we ask ourselves is it within us or outside of us. Well here is a question we may go by throughout our day and not ask ourselves. Do we have the power over authority. Jesus Christ reminds us written by many apostables throughout the Bible how we have power of authority within us and it is up to us to exercise it. Do you believe in exercising the authority? Exercising the authority means that we as individual have the domain to exercise the authority of fear, sickness, and even our enemies. Knowing what we can have authority over is so important on our daily life because there will be obstacles that will test our authority. You have the right to command and the authorize dealer to command. Jesus Christ tells his twelve disciples apostles Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brothe...