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Social Political Trends: The Liberal Agenda

Social Political Trends: The Liberal Agenda 2018-02-23 Veronica Davis   Follow @megatrndz Tweet How far is the liberal agenda willing to go?  And has the idea of being Liberal changed over time. Or is there is a double meaning of what the word Liberal means. Has there been a shift in the social definition of being Liberal. What is a liberal to me may not be liberal to you. It is important to know what is a liberal person. But more importantly when we vote for the Liberal party find out if their goals are actually liberal or are they just plain out hippie flamboyantly carefree from social responsibilities Liberal. But my point is not as much where we are today in understanding the Liberal Party. But does it match with our own ideologies. For example,  an immigrant family that has just arrived to Canada or the United States.  They have just lived through a civil war. So they want to feel liberated.  Why. Well, their rights and freedo...