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AI Trend: Could the Artificial Intelligence one day start a Religious War

Could the Artificial Intelligence one day start a Religious War 2018-02-01 by Veronica Davis Tweet #spiritualwarfare #armorofgod #jesuschrist #christianity #catholics #faith #algorithms #ai #blackmirror  Simon Peter said to Him, Lord , where are you going, Jesus answered him, Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterword. Peter said to him, Lord why can I not follow You now, I will lay down my life for Your sake. Jesus answered him, Will you lay down your life for my sake. Most assuredly, I say to you, the rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times. Let your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know. Thomas sa...

Megatrndz Show Celestial Event Trend

MEGATRNDZ SHOW Episode 1: Celestial Event Trend Published 2017-11-21 Episode 2: An Enigmatic World Published 2017-11-21 God has a special message in heaven. And wants us to be more like a Child. Are we Living a mysterious world. Are we paying attention enough of what is around us. Should we be more aware or less aware of what is around us.  Veronica Discusses on Enigmatic World That We Live In. Are we living in a time where it is not clear to us. Find out how God, Jesus Christ  the Trinity Divine Spirit wants us to be. Can Help You Find your way. Watch Episode 2: An Enigmatic World Below..

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 6:30

Therefore, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in Heaven is perfect, The Gospel of Matthew  Read Gospel of Matthew Chapter 6:30 Previous Reading The Sacred Bible Reading Take 10 minutes of your day and read the Sacred bible. Chapter 4 :23: And Jesus was going about in all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing, every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people. In the Gospel of Matthew  Chapter 5 Our Lord Jesus Christ did not have a Church foundation nor did he have a temple to preach God's words. But he did have a mountain that he stood on in front of a crowd of multitudes. Sacred Bible Reading Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5 & 6  What Does Jesus Christ Say About Fasting 5:29 Gospel of Matthew 5:34   Do not Swear at all neither by heaven, for it is God throne An Eye For An Eye Jesus Christ spoke to the multitudes on top of a Mountain referred to Gospel...

Celestial Alignment Trend

MEGATRNDZ > News > Celestial Alignment Trend   The Constellation Alignment September 23, 2017    2017-09-23- 8:48 am  The complete astronomical alignment occurs on September 23, 2017 over Jerusalem. In the book of Revelation where the Apostle John one of Jesus Christ followers describes "a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head." The proponents of the Revelation 12 Sign say that the woman represents the constellation Virgo and the crown of twelve stars represents the nine stars of the constellation Leo in conjunction with Mercury, Mars, and Venus. The moon appears to be under the "feet" of the constellation Virgo in September 2017 and the sun will be passing through the constellation, which they say is what is meant by the woman being "clothed with the sun".[4] The second verse of the twelfth chapter of John's Vision goes on to say that the woman "was pregnant...

Great American Eclipse marks a Bad Omen

Its a Shocker! The Great American Solar Eclipse Destination Amazing God's Marking of the  7 Salems, It's a Shocker! So what do different countries, nations, cultures, groups, tribes have to say about eclipses historically and traditionally. Traditionally, there are many points to take notice about eclipses . Ancient cultures have many folklore to say but the one true event that marks the occasion and the bad ambiance is the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. And with that in mind, The Great American Eclipse what "they" are not telling you about how hazardous it is believed to be for your health, and mind, and spirit. In General Eclipses are bad omen sent from God. Looking at history and Elders the warnings are there! And one amazing fact is God's amazing marking of the 7 Salems creating the path of the Great American Eclipse, it's a shocker? Will the people repent or will God set its Judgement! The  Eclipse, & Earthquake of Our K...

Palm Sunday April 9, 2017

Victorious Palm Sunday  What is Palm Sunday?  When Jesus Christ the Son of the Lord, walks into Jerusalem he is received by the people of the street with Palms being waved in their hands. It is Jesus Christ triumphal  entry Palm Sunday described in Matthew 21 1:11  Henced, it is called Palm Sunday. Today on Sunday April 9, 2017 Catholic Churches around the universe will receive a gift at Church today a Palm from Jerusalem blessed by the Roman Vatican Catholic Church. It is taken home to keep and hold all year long until next Ash Wednesday. It is a reminder around the world and all year long of the kind of KING JESUS IS.  Matthew 21 1:11 Our Lord, the King of Kings will be victorious in his mission on Earth. He later be crucified in days to come by the very people also holding the Palms. It is a bitter sweet reminder of his mission on Earth. What is the Symbol of Palms? Palms is also a sign of Victory. This is also symbolic in Martyrism, Saint...

Exercising the Authority

-Published on October 29, 2016- The supernatural events in our lives are caused by an unstoppable force outside of us. Is the unstoppable force stoppable? Do we ask ourselves is it within us or outside of us. Well here is a question we may go by throughout our day and not ask ourselves. Do we have the power over authority. Jesus Christ reminds us written by many apostables throughout the Bible how we have power of authority within us and it is up to us to exercise it. Do you believe in exercising the authority? Exercising the authority means that we as individual have the domain to exercise the authority of fear, sickness, and even our enemies. Knowing what we can have authority over is so important on our daily life because there will be obstacles that will test our authority. You have the right to command and the authorize dealer to command. Jesus Christ tells his twelve disciples apostles Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brothe...

Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016

Like this report click on Like at Topics discused in this report: jesus christ, mental illness, demon possession, jesus cast out demons, transhumanism, silicon, dna, nano technology, xenogenesis , alex jones, steve quayle, eugenics movement, chimeras, movie avatar, fallen angel annunaki Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016 Previously Discussed Topic from September 5, 2016 entitled "Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016" Option 2: The Aliens do not exist. Jesus warned us about mankind messing with the DNA Code God created. The non believers of Jesus Christ like to change the mankind DNA Code. A millionaire Gary Heavin says  at infowars show seen below "  There is no Aliens... there is  demons " at (41:19) . POWERFUL: STEVE QUAYLE VISITS INFOWARS by The Alex Jones Channel In the discussion between Steve Quayle and Alex Jones is very powerful about the society b...