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Earthquake Trend: Alaska 1964 March 28 Good Friday Earthquake

Earthquake Trend: Alaska 1964 March 28 Good Friday Earthquake by Veronica Davis 2018-03-27 The day that God Shook the World for an entire 4 minutes on Good Friday. March 28, 1964. A foreshadow of what is to come. Was he sending a message to the world. Over two thousand years ago, around 33 AD on Good Friday, our Lord, Jesus Christ was crucified by the Romans .  In fear that the large crowd backed up by the Pharisees would not riot against Rome Pilate crucified Jesus. During the Crucifixion of Jesus, Darkness fell as an eclipse covered the Earth, with an Earthquake "powerful enough to open tombs".  Full Story available in hard copy Megatrndz Book Vol 1 Watch video about Good Friday HD by Catholic Online Haarp Alaska 1964 Quake: The Great USGSPublished on Feb 27, 2014 The Great Alaska Tsunami, March 28, 1964 3,674 views More Climate Chaos Trends The Glacier Ice Melting Rapid Pace Ice Trend  Rising Sea Level Trend Celestial Event Tr...