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Earth Cracks Trends

Earth Changes- Huge Crack Opens Up  It's the Earth changes that are occurring creating huge cracks. They are  unpreventable in some areas with huge sink holes and lakes disappearing overnight. Each Earth's changes has become one with inconsistent explanations. The Madrid Seismic Zone, The San Andreas Fault Line, now  its predicted that he next big 12.0 earthquake could be in the Jerusalem Quake Fault line. While the North American Fault lines are making a loud roar the sleepy giant of the middle east may be awakening according to the latest June 2016 investigators and reporters. An almost prophetic event may occur in our lifetime. The report discusses a great earthquake near Mount Olives around the Temple ( Dome of Rock ). The worst hit area will occur at Temple Mount. On Jun 22, 2016 one of the latest huge crack predictable to occur is being  reported on  “We know from historical records that at least twice in the last mill...