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Protest at Fashion Week

MEGATRNDZ > News > Fashion News > London Fashion Week Currently London, England it is  London Fashion Week   Protest at London Fashion Week 2017-09-16- 1:30 pm  #ldfw #leatherisdead #LFW #furfashion #banfur #petauk  What is it all about. While some gather inside to watch the latest creations by big name labels others gather outside to protest. It is a scene quickly building up as more and more people want to get their point of views heard. #leatherisdead #lfw #fashion time to change — (@megatrndz) September 16, 2017 Let us see what all the racket is about. Just 18 minutes the following tweet hit worldwide from a British Cabbie driver. Chants like "shame week" seem to be progressing just outside the Clerkenwell Green for Burberry London Fashion Week show! : Big protest that's kicking off on Clerkenwell Green for the Burberry London Fashion Week show!