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Strange Trends: Laser Technology Out of Control

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”. John 3:8 Strange Trends: Laser Technology Out of Control. 2017-10-20 9:00 am updated 8:22 pm Hashtags #engineering #technology #climatechaos #earthquakes #lasertechonology #notnaturalmanmade #nationagainstnation #landscapephotography #wildlifephotography What is the agenda of the wicked, killing humanity, the animal kingdom, countries etc. Please follow and subscribe on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter or by subscribing at the top left button. No folks looking at the evidence (watch all videos below) presented one can only speculate that it is technology that is out there ready to get the innocent. It is "their" secret agenda created by a secretive nation that so far is unknown. However it is only a matter of time it will be exposed. Killing Humanity and the animal kingdom and nature is no...

Topics Trending on Youtube

follow megatrndz on  twitter ,  facebook , youtube  and google plus  Topics Trending During Hurricane Harvey Storm: Published Sept 1, 2017 8:29 am updated 2:49 pm Translate this story Hurricane Irma Can Be Cat 5 During Hurricane Harvey Two Executive Order Blocked, Before and During Hurricane Harvey Man made Hurricane Harvey, Before and During Hurricane Harvey Why are people sent to Old Closed Walmarts During Hurricane Harvey Are the Topics Trending while  a country is in crisis correlated? Executive Orders being passed before and after the Hurricane Harvey? Man made Hurricane Harvey. Can Governments Cause Problem Reaction Solution. The top trend videos show that people are curious, and people are waking up? So the Sleepy Giant awakens. Let us put into perspective that there has been no major hurricanes hitting the United States people since 13 years ago. Critical Thinking If you had a chance of  saving lives would you? Keep...