Search the latest mkultra trend Mk Ultra Celebrity Trend >> Strange Behavior Trend >> Targated Individual Trend An American MKUltra Op Dies Wednesday 2017-11-22 Yesterday, an individual known world wide as a serial killer has finally perished from the Earth. His name is not worth the mention but referred to as Charles M. MkUltra goes back decades ago as a mind control program. For those of you that have know idea what MkUltra is perhaps a little insight from American infowarrior Alex Jones, as he explains it: the 60s there was a law enforcement craze. They called it that law enforcement was claiming there was all this Satanism no there was Satanism there was a massive human sacrifice going on and it was being done to enter in the new age to have Lucifer exterminate 90% of the world's population and then have humans merged with machines and become the new God men...