Climate Change Climate Chaos Tectonic Plates Moving Continent Trend Continental Drift Trend Island Disappearing Trend Island Appearing Trend Human Crisis Trend The False Prophet Trend Blackout Trend Weather Warfare Trend The A.I Trend Chem trail Trend Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend Weather Manipulation Trend Account Suspension Trend Beauty Trend: Revlon's Award Rejected Beauty for Ashes 2018-01-18 4:30 pm by Veronica Davis #beauty #revlon #revlonawards While I was reading these trending online reports a phrase whispered and lingered in mind, Beauty for Ashes. There is alot of prophecy meaning and chapter of Isaiah 61. Beauty for Ashes as written in Isaiah 61:3 : To Grant them those who mourn in Zion, Giving them Garland instead of ashe...