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Rogue Nation First Hydrogen Bomb Test

follow megatrndz on  twitter ,  facebook , youtube  and google plus  Rogue Nation North Korea First Hydrogen Bomb Test Published Sunday Sept 3, 2017 12:00 pm updated 12:02 pm Report in Progress Breaking News:  President Donald J Trump says, The United States is considering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea. Sept 3, 2017 12pm The Hydrogen Bomb by NK Rogue Nation has been detected to be eight times stronger than Hiroshima bomb. The tremors that followed the test, were measured by NORSAR and it is estimated to be and explosive yielding  120 kilotons. South Korea says it was a 50 kiloton. Hiroshima's had 15 kilotons. The underground explosion was so powerful that it caused a 6.3 earthquake around it. While you are sleeping! watch megatrndz informative video of chronological Order of the Hydrogen Bomb test of Rogue Nation 2017-09-03 03:30:01.940 UTC Here is the specifics.M 6.3 Ex...

Missile Flies over Japan

follow megatrndz on  twitter ,  facebook , youtube  and google plus  Most Recent Missile Flies Over Japan 2017-08-29 5:30 pm updated 7:09 pm version en espanol So its been over 20 test missiles so far fired by North Korea since the beginning of 2017. North Korea today says in response to its latest test "its first step of its military operation in the Pacific and  prelude to containing Guam". Just last week Guam residents were under emergency tests after the threats of North Korea. President Trump gave a warning not to mess with Guam. Just reported by The Associated Press as North Korea says Kim Jong Un was present for launch of intermediate-range missile flew over Japan. What does that mean to the United States? What does that mean for Japan? Read more about Missile "From America to China.." Two hours ago, at 6:48pm August 29, 2017 the United States Missile Defense reported on twitter acccount North Korea most recent Hwasong-12 IRBM missile ...

From America to China Japan Bad Engineering or Catastrophy

follow megatrndz on  twitter ,  facebook , youtube  and google plus  From the Americas, China and Japan Bad Engineering  or  Catastrophe It is Sunday August 27 2017, 19:47:53 UTC The Yellowstone Supervolcano continues to shake rattle and roll, the latest 14km NNE of West Yellowstone, Montana with a series of other smaller earthquakes. Just recently, 11 Grand Canyons in size of Magma going down about 30 km have been found below the Yellowstone park. California continues to also shake rattle and roll. With a combination of the the Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 and Missile Launches into the Sea of Japan , disasters follow. Missiles Cause Environmental Disasters Where do Missiles Land? Missiles land in water killing ocean life. If a missile lands on land it kills people, and the animal life around it. Japantimes 2016   screen shot screenshot...