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April 22. 2016 Scorpio Full Moon Trend

Full Moon in Scorpio April 22, 2016 There will be a full moon called the Scorpio Full Moon in April 22, 2016. Watch out for the geometrical patterns of triangles and  t-square being formed in the skies on the date of the Scorpio Full Moon. Tania Gabrielle  gives her astro numerology predicting how five planets are on retrograde motion on April 28, 2016. What is retrograde? According to wikipedia: Retrograde motion, in astronomy, describes the orbit of a celestial body that runs counter to the direction of the spin of that body which it orbits.  However the celestial rare trend will begin in April 22, 2016 with the Moon being full it will lead Retrogrades between various planets. The Scorpion full moon is all about transformation and full of emotions. As the full moon is in scorpio we tune into our heart. As the Sun and Moon are opposite to each other so are our own needs and the needs of  others. Scorpio is a water sign triggers change and transforma...