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Red Water Trend Is it Biblical or Man made

   Strange Trend            Red Water Trend       Poisonous Waters   Red Water Trend  by Veronica Davis 2018-06-18 The Galapos Island Volcano erupted yesterday and Japan has had a 6.1 magnitude earthquake are they related. The Daldykan River water in Norolsk Russia is turning red . But water turning red in Russia is not the first time. There has also been reports for the snow to be seen red in Russia in 2014 . Since 2013 people in the Arkhangelsk Region have been reporting the snow red. Scientist point the finger at one thing in 2018 but why has it taken over four years for the mysteries snow appearance and the scientist to come forward with some information. Is it because they are hiding something? Is it biblical because of the name "Ark Angel" attached to the region. Is it Celestial waters. Is the there was in the other Heavens? On January 31 2018 "Scientists explain the appearance of red s...