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The Set Up Cancel Culture Movement!

Human Crisis Trend   Remove Statue Trend   Cancel Culture Movement Trend Arise, The Set Up Cancel Culture Movement! 7/27/2020 Dt 29:29  Mt 24:12  Luke 12:2 Who will rise up? Who will be woken up from their deep sleep? While the World is being set up for the the stage of the coming of the end of age, the Holy One or Qodesh prepare. America is being faced with dilemma since the beginning of time. But it is not just America,  when the movement has hit world stage decades ago. It has been moving in a slow pace and is it finally hitting home. We talk of this happening in the Middle East, and that happening in South or Central America but what happens when it hits home. Was it a set up? The Cancel Culture Movement is hitting full circle. Because One God create one World. And we are living in it. Scratch the set up. Is not God Almighty the one true creator of Heaven and Ear...

Who do you serve? Cancel Culture!

Human Crisis Trend   Remove Statue Trend   Cancel Culture Movement Trend Who do you Serve? Cancel Culture! Veronica Davis 7/27/2020 1 Samuel 17:49     2 Samuel 13:28   1 Kings 1:6    Romans 3:23    Dt  4:32    Mt 9:17   Acts 17:11 Who do you serve? The time when Jesus Christ sent me messages one of the words given to me was Secularism. I understand why it is an important point of focus to the Body of Christ. We as the Body of Christ must understand the angles of Secularism has been hijacked by Satan's society. Secularism has been slowly changing over time.  Just like school's are teaching the meaning of democracy and  tyrants. The reason  this is disappearing is because we are perceiving the 'Come the  End of Age'. Perception is all part of the deception. Accepting the new normal is an ox...

7.3 Km Mexico 2020-06-23 09:29:07

Eclipse Trend    Earthquake Trend   10 km Earthquake Trend     Remove Statue Trend 7.3 Km Mexico 2020-06-23 09:29:07 8:50 pm 6/23/2020 Did the June 21 2020 Eclipse of Fire bring major earthquakes? In the past 24 hours several earthquakes occurred in Mexico above 7 Magnitude. Out of the major 8 earthquakes 3 were 10 km depths. If you are in tune with the megatrndz you will know what I mean. Date & time: Tuesday, 23 June 2020 15:29 UTC Local time at epicenter: 2020-06-23 09:29:07 Magnitude: 7.3 Depth: 35.0 km Epicenter latitude / longitude: 16.103°N / 95.94°W (Mexico) Nearest volcano: San Martín (286 km) Primary data source: INETER Estimated released energ It was reporting being felt as far as Mexico City 502.2 km NW from epicenter. One observer said, ' long wave type shaking, door and frames moved some books fell down from shelves. My apartment is located on the 4th floor'.   Severe shaking was reported as far as 509.2 km NW from epice...

Climate Chaos End of March 2019

Climate Chaos Trends    Flood Trend    Volcano Eruption Strange Trends    Animal Invasion Climate Chaos End  of March 2019 Historic Flooding Midwestern United States of America March 2019 Floods Could this be the most devastating year ever for farmers around the world. Over 100 million hectares flooded most specially recognized as the farming lands in Mid western United States. Foods prices will sky rocket due to record floods in Iowa, Nebraska. Grain Silos in Iowa are totally inundated. One billion dollars in lost crops and livestock in Nebraska. Texas, US hail storms of football size damage. Strange Trend Animal Deaths A 40 ft long Grey Whale Carcass appears Malibu California March 24, 2019 Middle Eastern Historic Floods Iran , March 25 2019 Saudi Arabia Floods The abnormal climate change in Saudi Arabia is creating strange animal behavior.  It has brought a lobster invasion to the Valley of Saudi Arabia. Large ...