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Rose Hip A Wild Food Edible Plant

Rose Hip A Wild Food Edible Plant Philosophy of  Life Believe it or not some of our plants we ignore and consider wild are super foods. Just remember what came first wilderness or the food market.  I thought I would include wild edible foods into the website because it is a spreadable talking trend. So make sure to spread the word of good health. Remember knowledge is power and the more we inform ourselves we become more blessed and enriched. These incredible plant is full of nutrients, vitamins, calcium, iron and minerals. Rose hips have been found to have 50% more vitamin C than Oranges. The Rose Hip is an edible food, found in North American. In Canada, the Wild Roses can be found in the wilderness where they flourish on their own.  Depending on the environment, they will thrive easily if they get the proper survival mechanism. Most wild roses love not too much Sun and a lot of Water. These wild edible plant grow in bushes and can reach up to 6 to 7 feet h...