Second Sunday of Lent Psalm 26:8-9 Genesis 22.1-2 Genesis 9-13 Genesis 15-18 Roman 8:31 Mark 1:12 Seed Season Trend: Meditating Seeds for Every Season Tweet by Veronica Davis #lent #seeds #success #meditation A seed has life. Start meditating your thoughts on this second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018 by thinking how you can get ready for Spring. If you have never planted before its never too late to start with one. A small spot will do. There are no such thing as coincidences. When my husband and I moved to our first home it had a few flowers planted as a display. Then he randomly put a cucumber seed on small location where there was nothing but grass the cucumber plant grew. Little did I know that it was going to be the first of many more plants. That year I jokingly told my husband that we coul...