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Angels Trend

The Sacred Book of the Bible Describes Best Angels Angel bearing a cross by Ercole Ferrata, with the inscription “cujus principatus super humerum eius” ("the government shall be upon his shoulder", Isaiah 9:16), eastern side of the Ponte Sant'Angelo à Rome. Angels and Seraphs are human being figures with wings described in the Bible throughout the ancient scriptures.  Angels are described over 300 times in the New and Old Testament in the Bible. Angels are the messengers from the creator, when God wants to deliver a special event to an earth bound person. Throughout history Angels have been made into sculptures and paintings. Angels are seen in dreams .  The Good Angels are messengers of God. Angels have different names in the Bible such as Angels, Seraphs, Seraphim. Angels have many wings and have deliver a diversity of words each time they appear. The Angels are Celestial Orchestras and choirs. What happened to the humans were we sup...