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Showing posts with the label state of emergency trends

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Climate Emergency Finally Called in Canada

Climate Change     Emergency Declaration Trend      Targeted Individual Trend Climate Chaos    Island Disappearing Trend    Tectonic Plates Moving Trend #climateemergency #climateactionnow (2019-18-06)  With the True Magnetic North moving and Canadian floods increasing every year or Canadian Islands disappearing has Canada finally discovered the trend?  Well apparently so. Canada is finally calling it a National Climate Emergency. Congratulations Canada. It is amusing to see that out of all the countries in the World, Canada is closest to the North Pole and yet the Government seems to be the most Chilaxing country in  the world. It must be all the  slushies or many brain freezes causing the brain to slow down. Either way. Seeing clear during a hot +40 C Canadian day or on a -45 c weather patterns is important. The only problem here is to find out centuries later it was all man made not natural. Relate...

California Fires Who was Helping The Horses San Luis Rey Downs !

Evacuation Order Trends   California Fire Trends  California Fires Who was Helping These Horses 2017-12-08 10 pm #SanLuisReyDowns Who cared for the Horses. Imagine the Terror of this lovely beautiful creatures belonging to God.  These was definitely a Target. Warning if you love Horses you may not want to watch below video. If you are a horse lover like me, you will not like this message. Unfortunately this is one of the saddest stories. Who was helping the Horses why were they left to torch. It is an unbelievable thought but what is going on in California.  Thoroughbred, San Luis Rey Downs Golf and Country Club on Highways 76 suffered a massive destruction and devastation. Trainer at San Luis Rey training facility shared this with me.. sadly several horses have died here @CBS8 #LilacFire — Kelly Hessedal (@KellyNews8) December 8, 2017 In a today  article written by the Racing Post entitled Racehors...