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Time Is Really Not What It Seems

Time Is Really Not What It Seems December 11, 2017 Veronica Davis #timetravel #sacredbible #christianity #catholics #faith #time #intertwined Could Heaven and Earth be intertwined.   I have just finished watching for the second time the movie with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock called "The Lake House".  Remember I keep on saying that life is intertwined like a rope like all trees in a forest are intertwined by its roots.  Is it the celestial prophecy. Is the true meaning of time a celestial prophecy the confirmation of life's true origin.  One thing leads to another.  What do I mean about this? By this I mean, When I loose something , i wait for it to show up throughout the day. Usually I find whatever I am looking for, while I am doing something else. I usually say that "God led me to it". Anyways, while talking about The Lake House the movie, while it played on Channel Showcase late last night , I decided to recorded on my PVR. I never ...