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Damaging Wind Storms Trend : Canada

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”. John 3:8 on Twitter on facebook on Google Plus MEGATRNDZ  >  Climate Chaos Trends >  Damaging Wind Storms Trend> 50 Train Cars Derailed in Damaging Winds  Over 138 km in Alberta, Canada October 18, 2017 Top News:  Threatening Winds over 100  KM in Manitoba, Canada Expected Toda y October 18, 2017  THIS WEEK OCT 15 - 21 TRENDS Hurricane Trend:   46 ft Waves Hurricane Ophelia Out in Atlantic Ocean October 16, 2017! Hurricane Trend:   Hurricane Ophelia heading to Ireland, Wales, UK October 16, 2017! Climate Chaos Trend: More Hurricane Alert Superfast Hurricanes Ophelia... Climate Change Trend:  World Ocean Waters Reporting October 14, 2017 Damaging Winds Trend: 50 Train Cars Derailed  ov...

DIY Prom Night

PROM A DISASTER OR A CONFIDENCE BOOSTER Where do I  start, what style to choose from, not for me! If this is going through your mind then read on. Creating your own Style is not only fun but it will build the confidence that you need when going to your prom? Buying your own prom dress at a retail store can turn out to be a time waster. The style is not what you had in mind. The outfit is too tight. You like that style but the size is not right for you. There are ways to fix the issue. Take the root of DIY. Consider simple Quizzes will help you in finding a style by  Prom Dress Quiz by Seventeen Choosing this root will not only create and build confidence it will open doors and talents that you never thought you had before. Joining a fashion club where others are doing the same thing will make it easier and help you finish the project at task. Finding an experience fashion designer near you will help you and guide you with achieving that goal in mind. ...

May 21, 2016 March Against Monsanto World Day Trend

Genesis 1:11-12 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. March Against Monsanto Day! Millions are marching around the world today. Each year as human beings become more educated and are not dumb down by advertisement the March Against Monsanto makes history around the World. Here is what the World had to say on May 21, 2016! No To GMOs! Millions speak up in protests and rallies in over 50 countries and over 400 cities across the world on this historical day, May 21st, 2016!  #MarchAgainstMonsanto Here is what Each Country had to say: Chicago, IL " GMO Kills" Las Vegas, Nevada "Monsanto Government Axis of Evil" ...