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Top Fashion and Beauty Video trends

TOP  FASHION VIDEO TRENDS AROUND THE WORLD IDEAL BODY TYPE TRENDS 7 months ago   29,630,137 views Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout History by  BuzzFeedVideo   A diverse cast of models shows how the  standard  of  beauty  for women has changed dramatically over time. Find out more about ... HD 0:57 100 Years of Hair | Gillette BODY Razor Commercial by  Gillette   1 year ago 13,633,844 views Whether you are just learning how to shave, getting the right beard styles or doing some manscaping, for over  one hundred years  ... HD CC 5 months ago     11,556,881 views Men's Standards Of Beauty Around The World by  BuzzFeedVideo   An international cast of gorgeous male models shows just how drastically the physical attributes of the "ideal  man " vary  across  12  ... 4K ...

September 23, 2015 trend

HD 14:59 God’s Judgment to America within Shemitah Year from 9/25/2014 to 9/13/2015 - Jonathan Khan by HeavenVisit 1 year ago 62,183 views Shemitah Year Trend It is very interesting to find out the relationship between Shemitah years and disasters in the history. This video is from Sid Roth's ..Rabbi Jonathan Cahn explains the biblical term Shemitah. The Shemitah is a mysterious Mega trend trend in itself. It a biblical mystery that dates back for 3000 years. The trend begins during Moses times 3000 years ago to this day from September 11 to the Market crashing to the rise and fall of nations, World War 1 , World War 2 to today. Present Shemitah is on September 25, 2014-September 13, 2015 The Shemitah means the release, the fall or the collapse or shaking in hebrew. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn believes that American is destined for a great shaking on September 13, 2015 the day of Elul 29. So the Shemitah trend happens every 7 years according to Leviticus:  Leviticus 25:4 N...

Gulf of Aden Vortex

share with everyone  join megatrndz at google+ The Gulf of Aden Vortex Trend The Gulf of Aden Vortex has been under scrutiny for several years now. It is believed that in this historical and biblical area is a stargate with paranormal activity. On December 7, 2010, Wikileaks a Global Intelligence Files database reported the following article called Mysterious "Vortex" warned is Creating Global Weather Catastrophe: A bizzare report ..... a "mysterious magnetic vortex" currently centered in the Gulf of Aden...and China to shut it down, or even to ascentain its exact origin or "cause for being". The article is not clear of what exactly wether or not it is some kind of device or machine that the article is referring to "shut it down". It almost sounds like it is a machine like that of Cern or perhaps like HAARP. With that being said one can speculate that a machine like CERN has been in operations before the article had been...