Blackout Trend Weather Warfare Trend Biological Weather Warfare Trend Chem trail Trend Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend Weather Manipulation Trend Account Suspension Trend Mobile Phone Radiation ElectroSmog Trend 2016-9-2 Electrosmog is in our daily life, as we receive radiation on a daily basis where our brains are under attack. Just which part of the brain is under attack, the Pineal Gland. The Indian culture calls it the third eye. The Pineal gland has become an easy target and constantly under attack by electrosmog. As Dr. Doepp best describes what type of society we are now living in with mobile phone radiation switching off the brain. The voodoo society where we are the puppets and there are several needles being put through our bodies. See Morren Julius an independent researcher in conciousness, energy frequency and vibration interviews Dr. Manfred Doep...