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Asteroid Trends 2016

Continued from  Asteroid Trend 2016 Present Time 6:00pm September 23, 2016 CST Billion of Asteroids fragments heading towards our Planet Earth September 23- 25, 2016 Asteroid named 2009ES, watch for #asteroid 2009ES  #meteor  About 39 minutes ago Just shortly before midnight London Time on September 24, 2016 there were twitter reports #meteor of meteor in London and Surrey,  England at the same time Netherlands was also viewing the meteor. But  First the meteor was reported by a viewer East of London, then Quinton, Birmingham minutes later tweeted  in Holland. Wowzer. Just saw what looked like a meteor in the sky south of London, really bright! #comet #meteor #shootingstar — Matt Loader (@iammrloader) September 23, 2016 On September 22, 2016 the  AMS already 125 reports of fireballs streaking the sky in New Hampshire and Montreal . Huge #meteor lightning up the night sky in #London direction SW #impressed

Asteroid Trend

Asteroids are becoming too common every year and the warning on how close will come to hit the earth and exactly when, is as mysterious as they appear.  While some governments  warn their citizens of fatal asteroids other citizens are left in the dark. Not knowing  the time and place of impact is frustrating. Below are some dates that some governments have noted . By 2021 it is expected that Russia and the United States will send out probes to ride asteroids in order to break them apart just before earth impact or send the asteroid off course. Watch video  entitled ASTEROID ALERT SEPTEMBER 23rd to 25th 2016 below where reporter claims the Kuwaiti government just sent out several nucleur warhead to change the direction of the asteroid in August. The fragments of this impact is said to fall on the Earth on September 23-25, 2016 Asteroid 2015 PDC-H5 Sept 28, 2016 Leaked EARTH IMPACT: Houston Asteroid to 25 X larger than Siberia Impact. b...

Blood Moon Trend 2016

The Blood moon trend continues and it becomes the hexad. Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; According to the youtube video by discovery ministries entitled "Breaking News: Next Blood Moon Sep 16th, 2016! Proof Tetrad is now Hexad!by Discover Ministries" watch the video and see how a Tetrad coincided with ISIS, Syrian Crisis, Iran Nuclear Deal and now ... Today September 16, 2016 is a full moon and a lunar eclipse at 8:05 pm. London England Universal Time. Tania Gabrielle is an astrologer that best described today as a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces listen to her video video. Read more about blood moon

Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016

Like this report click on Like at Topics discused in this report: jesus christ, mental illness, demon possession, jesus cast out demons, transhumanism, silicon, dna, nano technology, xenogenesis , alex jones, steve quayle, eugenics movement, chimeras, movie avatar, fallen angel annunaki Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016 Previously Discussed Topic from September 5, 2016 entitled "Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016" Option 2: The Aliens do not exist. Jesus warned us about mankind messing with the DNA Code God created. The non believers of Jesus Christ like to change the mankind DNA Code. A millionaire Gary Heavin says  at infowars show seen below "  There is no Aliens... there is  demons " at (41:19) . POWERFUL: STEVE QUAYLE VISITS INFOWARS by The Alex Jones Channel In the discussion between Steve Quayle and Alex Jones is very powerful about the society b...

The number repetition trend- 323

Read more stories and follow the writer. Over and over again, we are seeing massive animal deaths. Once again the bible mentions. On September 3, 2016 Antlers left behind and strategically placed on top of the Reindeers. The Missing heads is sign. Over a 250 circumference area,  323 multiple reindeer appear dead in Norway. Listen to Mr. Cati from Youtube explain the coding number theory, very interesting, he calls the event" the Norway Dead Reindeer ritual and the face of the beast observation"on 09.03.16. Because Norway's Reindeers massive dead event is  so close to where the Cern Collider exists , he connects both events. This is the Mr. Cati report, he states: This brief report will show and discuss the X location, noted for the recent Norway 323 dead reindeer report. As such, this report will show what many will call an obscure observation. While this observation will be dismissed by others, as just a natural formation of rocks, that form a face and head, f...

Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016

And So it was written in the Bible: Psalm 139:13-16 13  For you didst form my inward parts; thou didst weave me  in my mother's womb.  14  I will give thanks to thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  Wonderful are Thy works, And my soul knows it very well. 15   My frame was not hidden from Thee,  when I was made in secret,  and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. 16 Thine eyes have seen many unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written, The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. If you have not heard of Linda Moulton Howe, Steve Quayle , Tom Horn yet then you are about to get informed.  They are among some names of leading researchers and producers into the Hybrid Among Us subject and trend. Although overwhelming to some it is ancient to some. Linda Moulton Howe a New Human Alien Species Can you believe of hybrids being created in a petri dish...

Annular Ring of Fire Eclipse September 1, 2016

September 1 and 19 There are over 11 bible verses that mentions about Signs in the Sky Acts 2:19 Verse Concepts 'AND I WILL GRANT WONDERS IN THE SKY ABOVE AND SIGNS ON THE EARTH BELOW, BLOOD, AND FIRE, AND VAPOR OF SMOKE. Luke 21:25 Verse Concepts "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, Genesis 1:14 Verse Concepts Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;  Genesis 9:12-17  God said, "This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations; I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. "It shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow will be seen in the cloud, read...

Pole Shift Trend August 31, 2016

On August 24, 2016 Marc the Arcturian stated about the Pole Shift not being able to turn back and that Earth has passed its Tipping Point. A very interesting video to watch. Supressed History reports on August 23, 2016 Linda Moulton Howe: Earthquakes are being recorded in eastern Connecticut for the first time in 300 years, in an area far from any fracking activity. Unexplained booms are taking place in many areas of the US. The magnetic field is in an unexpected state of flux. So, what's happening and what should we expect.

August 30, 2016 Stockpile Trend

Food Stockpile Trend Just what does the little squirrel do all day ...Stock pile food! That is what the world governments are asking people to do? Remember in the Bible verse of Genesis 37 the dream Joseph interpreted to the Pharaoh.  That is what we are being asked around the world to do since the news first broke out August 21, 2016. Below there are several videos circulating the internet this past week. On August 21, 2016 Israeli News reported... On August 22, 2016 Lisa Haven from her youtube video reported... On August 22, 2016 The Youtuber TruthUnveiled77 reported: That’s all world governments seem to be pushing for these days… Take Germany, for instance. As of Sunday, August 20th, 2016, a 69-page report from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) announced that the nation will introduce its first civil defence strategy since the end of the Cold War, calling on the population to stockpile enough food and water for several days the immediate deploym...

August 28-2016-Yellowstone volcano-trend-zone

August-28-2016 Yellowstone Volcano Update #Yellowstone  #earthquake Slowly getting close? Will there be time to bug out? Or is it simply just a frequent small shake. There has been several reports on August 27, 2016 .  4.8 strikes Wyoming which is South of Yellowstone Volcano. Find out more at Youtuber Daboo77 quotes " This quake very well may be related to fracking. It could also set off other quake in the area. It's not a good sign to see quakes of this magnitude hitting this close to a super volcano. It could trigger other faults or even allow magma to start moving underground. Is it a Foreshock? Only time will tell at this point. I will continue to update as more happens." On the same day Tom Lupshu reported the following "Today a 4.8 struck in Hoback Wyoming and many emails and cryptic tweets are circulating about all The Governments warning their citizens to prepare. Supposedly, Russia has moved a...

Mandela Effect

A New trend hitting the internet with researchers and documented videos of the Mandela Effect. If you have not heard of it it is a must to watch and keep the knowledge? What is the Mandela Effect?  It is all about the editing , the making changes? It is Effect that has been taking change for some time now in the marketing world. Not mispelling but Name changing?  What about editing the past and that is what the Mandela Effect is? It is alternating reality? Does this make sense? Right!..... Wrong! Nope it is not Dementia or Alzheiemer's or mispelled wording but the Mandela Effect ? Why Mandela? There has been proof and reports that Mandela had died in jail in the 1980's in the 1980"s ? So when Mandela came out of jail in the 1990's the inconsistency with this reports has brought light to why the Mandela Effect exists? Its speculations of why history is one way today and it is altered in the future. So pay attention now if you have not been paying attention t...

Together 2016 Trend

Taking the Faith of Jesus Christ and Putting it Together to form over one million Christians for  July 16, July 17, July 18, 2016 with a hashtag Jesus changes everything  #jesuschangeseverything   The mission is to celebrate the gospel of  Jesus Christ infront of the Washington Square. Just who was Jesus Christ?  This three day event is non-stop entertainment from 9 am to 9 pm. See live footage     or  see video below. Pope Francis has invited everyone to come join in this event as seen in video below and published on Jun 23, 2016 "Find the One who can give you an answer to your restlessness." Pope Francis adds his voice to people from different backgrounds who invite you to the National Mall, July 16, for Together. To know more go to "Starting a movement of prayer", and  "a grounded in truth " says a speaker at Together 2016 on Saturday at 11:45 am on July 16, 2016. Mission is to create a Seven Day Scrip...

Environmentalist Activists Celebrities Trend

July 4, 2016 Celebrities are taking action and creating environmental awareness on different issues affecting the planet today and around the world. It is an excellent mixture of money and power and cleaning up after the mess. A well recently documented film about fracking fight going global called " Dear President Obama" celebrities such as Mark Ruffalo take a stand to the streets of New York see and read more here . Another celebrity   seen in the film  walking through the streets of New York  is Leonardo DiCaprio. While it is not 100% sure that it is him under the hat, his conviction for being an environmental activist sustains. In 2014, Leonardo DiCaprio has begun his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation now moving on to its 2nd annual gala. While there are reports of Leonardo DiCaprio being a hollywood hypocrite or puppet nonetheless the fight for Earth Changes is here. The latest news media  entitled "LEO DICAPRIO INVITES A-LIST FRIENDS TO TAKE 6,000-MILE FLIGHT T...

Earth Cracks Trends

Earth Changes- Huge Crack Opens Up  It's the Earth changes that are occurring creating huge cracks. They are  unpreventable in some areas with huge sink holes and lakes disappearing overnight. Each Earth's changes has become one with inconsistent explanations. The Madrid Seismic Zone, The San Andreas Fault Line, now  its predicted that he next big 12.0 earthquake could be in the Jerusalem Quake Fault line. While the North American Fault lines are making a loud roar the sleepy giant of the middle east may be awakening according to the latest June 2016 investigators and reporters. An almost prophetic event may occur in our lifetime. The report discusses a great earthquake near Mount Olives around the Temple ( Dome of Rock ). The worst hit area will occur at Temple Mount. On Jun 22, 2016 one of the latest huge crack predictable to occur is being  reported on  “We know from historical records that at least twice in the last mill...

Panic Buying Trend

395% Food Prices Increase Time and time again Hollywood warns us through movies just how much fantasy turns into a reality. The "Hunger Games" movie is a series of three adventure novels written by the American novelist Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games universe is a dystopia set in Panem, a country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and 12 districts in varying states of poverty. Every year, children from the districts are selected to participate in a compulsory annual televised death match called The Hunger Games. In the United States the Fema Agency is warning the citizens of  food prices will be on the rise .  A couple of days ago, reporter Alex jones has brought to the light on the Alex Jones Channel see video below just how the Fema Agency is predicting a "civil unreast". On June 26, 2016  at ten AM a VICE article entitled " FEMA Contractor predict social unrest caused by 395%  Food price spikes"  it says that "an unprecedented global f...

Mercury Poisoning Trend

Mercury Dumping Upstream as a result of mercury being dumped 44 years ago in barrels in London, ON.  A river poisoned with mercury. On June 22, 2016 on a radio broadcast, a man who claims he put over 100 pounds of mercury in barrels in pits at least 44 years ago. He claims his job entailed containing mercury within the salt like pulp and paper. He further explained on the radio how mercury had been dumped from the mill. The man has notified has already notified the Ontario government. However the exact location has yet to be determined because the mill has been moved around. The man claims that the mercury dumped from the mill in the pit was lined with black plastic.  In the United States just over 3 ounces is considered an environmental disaster. Now just imagine 100 pounds leaching. Although the man claimed the mercury had been put in barrels and buried underneath the ground in pits. reported on June 21, 2016 that the mercury leaching occurred in: Grassy Nar...

The number repetition trend- June 6, 2016

Morning Reading on this Date John 6:16 Jesus Walks on the Water 16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake,  17 where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum.    By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.  18 A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough.  19 When they had rowed about three or four miles,[a] they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened.  20 But he said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.”  21 Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading. Today is June 6, 2016 It is the sixth month  209 th day of the year a day after the  New Moon . What is the biblical meaning of the number 6.6.6 ?  The fact that the number is repeated three times, it is suppose to create a large boom. The effects are larger than ever.  What does the bible has to say...

Unusual Climate Change Trends May 2016

Unusual Climate Change Trends May 2016 Volcanoes, Fireballs, Killer Lightning and Islands Disappearing The Unusual Climate Change trends are all being tied to Planet X or Nibiru creating a gravitational pull to the Earth. What does the Biblical Number 3 mean? May 21, 2016 3 Orthodox Christian Churches burning during Easter just 3 weeks ago and now 3 Volcanoes bursting this weekend what does all of this mean. Almost more than a month ago, a similar story was reported by Strange Sound website on  3 volcanoes erupt simultaneously on April 16, 2016: Villarrica (Chile), Mt. Cleveland (USA), Colima (Mexico) . Unscheduled Blood Moon- May 21, 2016 Volcanoes Erupting at Once During Full Moon While the moon was full and blue, volcanoes began erupting in three separate continents around the world. In Costa Rica volcano Arenal erupts, in Indonesia, and in Italy. In Costa Rica's capital San Jose it left it covered with ash and sulfur smell. Major Catastrophe Erupting ...

May 21, 2016 March Against Monsanto World Day Trend

Genesis 1:11-12 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. March Against Monsanto Day! Millions are marching around the world today. Each year as human beings become more educated and are not dumb down by advertisement the March Against Monsanto makes history around the World. Here is what the World had to say on May 21, 2016! No To GMOs! Millions speak up in protests and rallies in over 50 countries and over 400 cities across the world on this historical day, May 21st, 2016!  #MarchAgainstMonsanto Here is what Each Country had to say: Chicago, IL " GMO Kills" Las Vegas, Nevada "Monsanto Government Axis of Evil" ...

May 22, 2016 Rare Celestial Events Trending- Earth passes between Mars and Sun

Rare Celestial Events Trending- May 2016 May 22, 2016 Earth passes between  Mars and the Sun on May 22, 2016. bringing Mars to opposition in our sky for the first time in two years. Saturn, near Mars (and the star Antares) on the sky’s dome, ascends in the east at early-to-mid evening. Once Mars and Saturn are up, they’re out for rest of the night, near each other, getting brighter, heading toward their brightest and best in late May and early June, respectively. The brightest planet – Venus – is lost in the glare of sunrise in May. Follow the links below to learn more about the May planets. While the Earth is experiencing birth pains with meteors being seen periodically around the world and Earthquakes like in Ecuador 6.7 magnitude. On May 17, 2016 there were 690 reports of seeing the fireball on North Eastern United States from Maine, Rhode Island, Ontario and Quebec in Canada. find on youtube ht...