Wednesday, April 12 Wednesday of Holy Week Readings Isaiah 50.4-9a Psalm 69 Matthew 26.14-26 Holy Thursday: Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper Thursday, April 13 2017 The Sacred Supper of our Only Begotten Son is celebrated, just before he is to be handed himself over to death. It is the first day of the Church Jesus Christ is uniting as the Church a sacrifice new for all eternity, the banquet of his love. Alot is to happen on this beautiful bitter sweet and most memorable day, Jesus Christ performs the first day of his founded new church. The very spoken words Jesus Christ says at this banquet with his twelve disciples are to be repeated at the Roman Catholic Masses around the world from that very day. The exact manner that Jesus Christ shows his Apostles is to be performed just before communion . As well Jesus Christ washes his Apostles feet known as the footwashing ceremony. During this time appropriate antiphons or chants are sung while the footwashing ce...