follow megatrndz on twitter , facebook , youtube and google plus #extendicareoakviewplace #winnipegnurses Nursing Homes Not Right Choice Everyone grows old at some point, right! 25% of the population by 2036 will be seniors in canada?In a country like Canada, elders can be forced out of their homes. homes through laws. Here is one. An emergency call ho An Emergency Call If by any chance the paramedics have responded to a 911 call and an elder lives gets treated by the hospital. Then the elder can be sent to a nursing home unvoluntary. In Canada, the government will assign a social worker and may never be allowed to return back to your care or their own home. Voluntarily Looking For a Nursing Home If you are a lucky one, and your loved one will be needing one in a decade or so. Think about this. If you have not visited a nursing home before putting your loved home in one, then do it. Sooner than later. Down the road it will pa...